Monday, June 28, 2010


So I leave tomorrow, and the title is one of about 4 words I've managed to actually retain in Spanish. The last few days have been ridiculously stressful and busy. First of all, being the genius I am, I forgot the rain jacket I bought for Peru on the Red Arrow...who claims they don't have it...I know they're lying. Also, I'm setting up this world phone situation. It's through a company called 'roam mobility', the idea is good but almost too good. To the point where I assume even my mother of all people has missed the fine print. Apparently its unlimited incoming calls and texts from anywhere in the world? and the calls for my mom (we know she'll be the only person calling) are local? My outgoings are like 30c a minute which is substantially less than other ways of calling PLUS I get to rock a 2003 style Motorola flip--jealous? thought so. I'm also in a dilemma of how many bags to bring. Its actually only $30 for an extra bag but I'd really rather not go through the hassle of checking/waiting for/hoping they didn't lose two bags as opposed to one. In all fairness the second bag is for supplies for the orphanage, but still not keen.
I've also recently realized that I'm going to be without Starbucks for an entire month. The thought of which scares me more than getting lost in the wrong area of a 9million person city. Well just thought I'd touch base one last time before I indulge in 14 hours of airports and aircrafts (which better have TV's). Now back to downloading copious amounts of music and Spanish podcasts...who am I kidding, just music.

Hasta Luego!

(so says Google translator)

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