Apparently I havent written in a while and lots has happened in that time. Ill try to make it short and sweet, but I dont forsee that attempt succeeding.
First, we went back to the special needs orphanage on monday. Ive officially fallen in love with the kids. Mostly because carrying them around for 5 hours is an excellent workout... and because they are ridiculously adorable. On Tuesday we were unable to go to teach in Pachacutec because there was a protest going on in regards to overdue renovations. On Wednesday we went to the regular orphanage. I worked with a group of girls aged 8 to 12, more than half of them were special needs, just not as severe as the ones at the specialized facility. It was really nice to work with a more responsive age group, but my lack of spanish proved to be a much larger issue as i was unable to keep up any form of conversation. we played basketball soccer and volleyball. i actually tried. i still lost 2 games. but dont worry, i won a point. They taught me some basic words in spanish and i taught them english, it was really fun and quite useful. What i found most exciting was seeingthe samaritans purse shoeboxes in the orphanage. it was really cool to see where they actually go, and to understand that i was working with a group of girls that really needed my attention.
CUSCO. is to lima what banff is to calgary. significantly farther, but still ridiculously touristy for blocks surrounding the main plaza. My hotel was quite nice, the terrace in the middle is exposed which let the beautiful weather warm up my room while i was touring the city. It was really pretty and very historical. There were a LOT of churches for the size of the city. It was crazy clean and people spoke much better english. In contrast to places like vegas where street salesmen sell call girls, they sell manicures facials and massages in cusco...apparently their sacred because incas got the EXACT same ones. I had alpaca for lunch which was quite an interesting wasnt very weird tasting, it was more so the concept of "im eating alpaca" that threw me off. I really wanted to try guinea pig, but it was expensive considering the high possibility of me hating it. Instead i searched out a good salad to fuel my veggie deficit. Considering the touristyness things were quite cheap, a menu for lunch including 3 courses and a pisco sour was 12 5ish canadian dollars. on taht note, i tried a pisco was like a lime margarita with whipped egg on top. I also went to the grand market to look around, it was like a huge farmers market with loads of raw meat and no health standards. I being the adventurous person i am had a smoothie. only because it was 2 soles and contained copious amounts of fresh fruit. and mostly because it was miles away from teh raw meat and roaming dogs. yes, cusco has random strays too.
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